BISKUT BIJI ASAM (I’m not sure what we called this biscuit in English)

template_photoblogI was born in early 90’s, so I had a chance to grew up in the 90’s environment as a kid and the other half of my childhood and teenage year as a millennium’s children (anak- anak zaman milenium).  We were referred as a millennium’s children by our parents and the society when the beginning of the number (year) change from “19” to “20” during year 2000.  My friends and I were not exactly the 21st century children (which begin on 1 January 2001) but you know our “growing up process”, the crucial period of a person life is affected by the changes.  However, 90s is the best time ever.  We, the 90’s kids are rock…and we do share the same love and passion of our childhood.


This is some of the comment on my facebook wall about the biscuit:

Azelly Lie:   Biskut ni,kami pnggil roti bji asam. Skrg msh ada dijual,tp rsanya mmg xcdap mcm dlu. Biskut ni selalu dibeli oleh tokwan sy,Syed Mansor,dh lma arwah pn. Semasa dia cter psal pngalaman dia brsama askar Jepun dlu2,dia bg biskut ni utk mkn. Smpai skrg,tngok jer bskut tu,msti ingt dia….  (we called this biscuit roti biji asam.  They still sell this biscuit but it does not taste the same as before.  My late grandfather, Syed Mansor used to buy this biscuit.  He told us that during the Japanese era in Malaya, the were given this biscuit as a food supply.  Its remind me of him.)

Iffahanie Dean HanieSaya suka makan ni masa kecik2 dulu lewat 70 an & 80 an…nostalgia betul biskut ni…sikit sorang berbagi dgn adik2  (I love to eat this when I was a child in the late 70s and 80s….it is a legend..I would shared it with my younger brothers and sisters)

Azmi Shahid: Aku panggil biscuit Udhell. Jgn tanya mengapa (I called it Udhell biscuit.  Dont ask me why)

Nabilla Huda Makan yang part manis je, yang biskut simpan balik dalam plastik. Ade ke wat perangai camni gak?  memori2.. Hehehehe (I will only eat the sugar on the top and keep the biscuit back in the plastic bag.  Does anyone do the same?  What a memory)

Yaya Aizen Makan biskut dlu. Pastu bhgian atas tu kumpul, mkn skaligus. Hahhahaa
Hanapi Jusoh Kg aku panggil sekut cotek (Eat the biscuit first.  Keep aside the sugar and eat them all at once.  My village called this sekut cotek)

Nakata Helmie kat ‘rumah merah kecil’ banyak biskut ni.. (There are a lot of this at the “small red house” – he referred to the Chinese prayer altar where we usually can see the biscuit is using for prayer purpose.)